Hey all! I'm still working with the Peter post, so here's something else instead:
Do you want to participate into an interesting art project that doesn't take a lot of time? Here's one idea!
What would you save if your house was burning down? Some answers can be seen in The burning house project. Go to see what other people would save and submit your own answer. Here's mine. I did it already a while ago and now it's interesting to see what has changed. Not a lot, actually - only the wallet is a different one!
These kind of art projects are always interesting, because they're easy to complete, yet they really make you think about what's important in your life. It's also really interesting to read what other people have chosen as things to take with them.
Do you know any other art projects like similar to this? I'd love to hear of them!
Haluatko osallistua taideprojektiin, joka ei kuitenkaan veisi liikaa aikaa? Tässä on yksi hyvä vaihtoehto!
The burning house -projektin idena on jakaa kuva asioista, jotka ottaisit mukaan jos talosi syttyisi palamaan. Alla on minun listani, jonka tein jo aikaa sitten. Nyt on mielenkiintoista palata katsomaan, mikä on muuttunut. Ei itse asiassa kovin moni asia, vain lompakko on eri.
Tällaiset proggikset on aina kiinnostavia, koska ne on helppo toteuttaa, mutta silti ne saavat ajattelemaan sitä, mikä elämässä todella on sinulle tärkeää. On myös todella mielenkiintoista lukea, mitä muut ihmiset valitsisivat mukaansa.
Tiedätkö muita tämän tyylisiä projekteja? Olisi mahtavaa kuulla niistä!
"Name: Vivi
Age: 23
Location: Sometimes in Finland, sometimes in France
Occupation: Student of crafts & recreation
- Letters, cards and photos from my love
- Handmade and gift jewellery in an handmade wooden box
- Wallet with all the important cards, tickets etc. inside
- Hard drive with all the photos and documents in it
- Cellphone
- A hat and the matching gloves that my boyfriend gave to me
- The boyfriend, who in this photo in present only in the photos. Or he’d more likely save me."
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