Ever wondered what it's really like to live in an international couple? Quick tip: labeling in several languages.
So, I said I've been busy these days, and the reason is that we're moving - again. I counted that since I moved out from my parents place I've lived in at least 10 different appartments! I've lived with people and all by myself, and I have really good memories from all these places, even though they might sometimes sound peculiar.
Only with J-M, during the last three and a half years, we've lived together in these combinations:
- We've lived with my flat mate in this really cheap place, that was rented by an elderly woman living in Sweden. The only condition to the cheap rent was that she could stay at the appartment when visiting Finland, and one time she just showed up! She ended up dtaying a couple of days and she was the sweetest lady I ever met.
- We've lived as flat mates with another couple. Sounds weird, worked well. A couple of times the guys prepared a sunday morning brunch for us girls (um, well, actually quite often, so no complaints!)
- We've lived in a flat that was completely under renovation - and moved out the day we finished it. We bought a place and renovated it completely, while living there. (We had to boil the water with a water boiler just to take a shower during quite some time). And then we moved to Finland. But, we're planning to move back one day!
- We've exchanged appartments, and lived in a tiny studio for almost a year in Helsinki.
- We're currently living in downtown Helsinki, but in a place that's half below the street level. We've actually forgot what it's like to have direct sunlight at your place! Otherwise it's been cool.
Oh that book shelf on the stair case! One of the most important reasons to take this place.
And now, we're moving more far away from the center, but we're actually going to have a real house for the first time! Or well, actually a half of an house, because like all our places this is an interesting solution as well. It's an house split in two exactly in the middle, and there's a family living on the other side. But I think it'll work fine, and we're really excited to have also a garden for the first time!
I'm curious: in how many places have you lived in? Do you find it stressful to move?
Syynä viimeaikaiseen hiljaiseloon on, että olemme muuttamassa. Taas kerran. Pelkästään J-M:n kanssa parin viime vuoden aikana ollaan onnistuttu asumaan niin kahdestaan, minun kämppikseni kanssa kuin kämppiksinä toisen pariskunnan kanssakin. On asuttu puoliksi maan alla, asunnonvaihdon kautta hommatussa yksiössä, remonttikaaoksen keskellä, kuin kämpässä johon tuntematon ruotsalainen mummo saattaa piipahtaa koska tahansa. Kaikesta tästä on kuitenkin selvitty, ja vieläpä saatu ihan mahtavia muistojakin. Nyt on edessä muutto vähän kauemmas keskustasta, mutto ensimmäistä kertaa omakotitaloon! Ja vieläpä puutarhalla! Joten melko innoissamme ollaan.
Mites siellä toisella puolella, monessako paikassa olette elämänne aikana ehtnyt asua? Entä onko muuttaminen stressaavaa puuhaa vai ihan iisi homma?
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