Bye bye Google Reader
Jun 30, 2013
A sad day for all of us Google Reader users, right? I've been using GR for so many years now and then, tomorrow, it's just gonna be gone. Well, fortunately, there are other ways to follow blogs and I'll be testing the following for the next couple of weeks before deciding which to use. Here's also how to follow Atelier of Ideas if you'd like!
Kuten tiedätte varmaan, tänään on vanhan kunnon Google Readerin viimeinen käyttöpäivä. Harmittaa, olen käyttänyt Readeria jo niin monta vuotta. Mutta! Onneksi on muitakin vaihtoehtoja. Näitä aion itse testailla tulevina viikkoina. Tässä myös linkit, jos haluatta seurata Atelier of Ideas- blogia!
1. Bloglovin'
I love the look but not the fact it takes more time to download each blog. So we'll see! But here's to follow me if you're using Bloglovin'.
Siistin näköinen mutta jokaisen blogin latailu erikseen ei houkuta. Katsotaan totunko siihen! Klikkaile tästä seuraamaan jos käytät bloglovinia.
2. Feedly
Might take some time to get used to but so far I'm liking it. Click click!
Vaatii totuttelua mutta toistaiseksi tykkäilen. Kliketi klik!
3. Reeder
I'm a Mac user so I downloaded Reeder to give it a try. I like how it ressembles Google Reader to some point. Just add my blog if you'd like!
Mäkin käyttäjänä latasin myös Reederin testattavaksi. Toimii vähän kuin Google Reader, mikä on plussaa. Lisäile Atelier of Ideas jos haluat!
+Suomalaisille käyttäjille tietty Blogilista!
Out of curiosity: how do you keep up with blogs you follow?
Nyt kiinnostaisikin tietää mitä itse käytätte blogien seuraamiseen?
Wonderful wood
This weekend has been great! We've spent a lot of time home, which has let me also some time to create new things. As couple of times before, the Jake & Maya collective's Trash 2 Treasure competition inspired me to create some new things for home. This month it was all about wood. I wanted to upcycle things I already had in hand at home, and here are the results:
First, I've been dreaming 'bout a relaxing and colourful outdoor space, so I decided to craft this wooden wind chime/mobile. It's made out of wood scraps which and an embroidery loop that had lost it's inner part. The metallic chains are recycled as well. Now it's chiming happily in our garden!
The second design is a small coatrack out of old wooden spools and some scrap wood. It can also be used on a desk to display favourite books and notebooks. It's painted with water-soluble eco-marked paint.
So, once again this competition ispired me to upcycle unused things I already had. Go to see other entries right here!
Tässäkin kuussa Jake & Maya Collectiven upcycling- kilpailu onnistui inspiroimaan minua. Tänä viikonloppuna sain valmiiksi sekä tuulikello/mobilen että naulakon kierrätetystä puutavarasta, jota jo kotoa löytyi. Hyödyllinen viikonloppu siis! Ja olipa taas mukava inspiroitua valmiista aiheesta. Menkääpä katsomaan muut osallistujat täältä, hop!
Coney Island
Jun 28, 2013
The weather's finally hot here in Finland as well, which reminded me of these shots we took in Coney Island while in NYC. I swear, there's only a couple of New York-related posts left!
It was just such a great place I feel like telling all about it. But with these photos, have a great weekend everyone!
Nämä näpsyt Coney Islandilta nykistä palasivat mieleeni, nyt kun sää on täällä suomessakin sopivan kesäinen. Nyt kyllä vannon, enää pari nykkipostausta jäljellä! Se oli vaan niin upea kaupunki että haluan kertoa siitä kaiken sille joka vaan jaksaa kuunnella. Mutta näihin kuviin tällä kertaa, ihanaa viikonloppua!
the Best cappuccino I had while in New York
Jun 25, 2013
The title says it all. Seriously, I've been dreaming about this cappuccino ever since. I got it a Ruby's Cafe in Nolita. I also loved the design of the place and their menus! At the moment I'm kinda stuck - I have tons of things to do but I don't seem to get them done. Maybe a cappuccino like this would've helped me ;)
Otsikko kertoo kaiken: paras cappuccino jonka join nykissä. Ruby's Cafe Nolitassa oli tosi kiva pikkukahvila. Tykkäsin paljon sisustuksesta ja menujen suunnittelusta myös. Huh. Tällä hetkellä olisi vaikka mitä tehtävää, mutta tuntuu siltä että valmista ei tule. Ehkä tällainen kafeiiniannos olisi auttanut ;)
Midsummer nights
Jun 24, 2013
Last week-end we took a little getaway with a bunch of friends to celebrate the midsummer in a cottage near the town of Porvoo. Spending the midsummer in a cottage is a finnish tradition, but this was actually the first time I got to do that too! And it was great. Sauna, good food, friends, the white nights... I guess it's always necessity to travel so far away in order to find cool things, right?
What's your favourite local destination? I'd love to hear!
Karkasimme viikonloppuna kaveriporukalla Porvoon lähelle mökille juhannusta viettämään. Mökkijuhannus on toki perinteinen juttu, mutta itse en sitä ollut vielä sitä päässyt kokemaan! Mökkeily toki muuten on tuttua. Mutta oli mahtavaa, saunomista, ystäviä, yöttömät yöt... Aina ei ole tarpeen lähteä niin kauaskaan kokeakseen jotain hienoa, vai mitä?
Onko suositella mitään lähimatkailukohdetta? Olisi kiva kuulla!
Love cooking on an open fire!
We visited some nice places so I might do another post on that. But there's also more NYC coming up!
Viikonlopun aikana ehdittiin käydä muutamissa ihanissa paikoissa, joten saatan postata niistä lisää. Mutta myös new yorkia on tulossa lisää!
Through his eyes
Jun 22, 2013
It's funny that even when travelling together you don't necessarily pay attention to the exactly same things. Luckily, I have a talented boyfriend so I can really see how some things look through his eyes.
Yummy New York
Jun 20, 2013
I hope your not tired of New York, because I still have tons of stuff coming up!
I think one of the most perfect meals we had back there was in Chelsea. First we went to this lovely restaurant, Raffaella Cafe, to eat lunch...
... and then headed to Billy's Bakery in the same street to eat those oh-so-sweet cupcakes. What a treat! And a great decoration at both places, it gave us both a lot of ideas. Plus those cupcakes, my photos don't do justice (I'm trying to improve my photographing skills, btw!)
What's the last great meal you've had? Do you like to go to separete places for meal and dessert? I love that when travelling, that way you can try double the places!
New York is for Lovers
Just a fun photo I found while browsing through all the NYC photos... I almost bought this t-shirt from American Apparel, I thought it was a really cute option for the I heart NYC t-shirts! I ended up not buying it since I didn't need it, but it's still a fun memory.
This night, I have tons of things to do - meeting up with a friend to do some thrift shopping, an interesting meeting, a farewell party for another friend and I should also be packing for the long weekend! Wow, I hope I'll have time to do everything. Do you have any special plans for the evening?
An Urban Guide to New York (part I)
Jun 19, 2013
Hi guys! As I mentioned, I have a couple of tips for the ones going to visit New York. I know these are nothing new, but still, a pick of my favourite things to do & see in the city that never sleeps! I also have more posts coming up, so stay tuned.
1. New York Public Library & Bryants Park
This was our first place to go see! The library itself is known from so many movies (such as The Breakfast at Tiffany's) and the park is such an oasis in the midst of all those skyscrapers. There was a nice deli next to the park, and we got a delicious ice coffee for to cool off.
2. The High Line
The High Line, an elevated park built on an old railroad and running from the Meatpacking District up to the 30th street, was one one of my must-see places. It proved out to be worth waiting for! We had such a relaxing afternoon there, so relaxing that I actually fell asleep in the grass (well I might have been a bit jet lagged also)! It also reminded me of the Promenade plantée, which is one of my favourite spots in Paris, so that was nice.
One super hot day we opted for a cooling ride on the East River Ferry. It was a perfect choice. A nice breeze and the views on both Manhattan and Brooklyn, what can one ask more for. We took the East River Ferry all the way untill the Governor's Island and spent some time walking and resting in the island. It was really a perfect summer day activity to do in the NYC, at least in my humble opinion!
+ EXTRA TIP: Shakespeare in the Park
Hah, as it seems that there's almost nothing but parks on my list I couldn't leave out the Central Park! But while it's a great park to visit at any time, I just have to tell you all: go see Shakespeare in the Park! We went to see the Comedy of Errors and it was unforgettable. It even included Lindy Hop! Come on, is there anything better than a free play that includes my favourite dance style? Luckily we had a local friend who took us there! Unfortunately there's no pictures of this as it was getting dark and anyway, photographing was not allowed. So go there and see by yourself!
So, I hope you liked my tips! More coming soon :) Is there anybody going to NYC any time soon? Or if you've already been there, what are your favourite places?
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