Sep 15, 2013

P8221567 1. Hitsinpimpulat / Damn dingles!  

2. Vihreä illuusio / Green illusion

Oh my, this week I've been in bed with a cold so it has passed so quickly! Obviously, I haven't been out much so I have nothing new to show, but instead I have some photos I haven't posted yet that I wanted to share.
 A couple of weeks ago we had a friend visiting us and together we wanted to find new activities. So, for the first time, we enrolled to a competition called Fotomaraton! Fotomaraton is an annual photography competition where competitors take 12 photos, one for each assignment, during 6 hours. The assignments are handed out in sets of 4 with 2-hour intervals. 

3. Kohtu / Womb

4. Bermudan kolmio / Bermudas triangle

 5. Kuri ja järjestys / Order and discipline

Now we're really not professional photographs so some of our photos are not the best quality, since we also had to hurry to get all of them taken. But oh boy did we had fun snapping them! The competition also got us to places we wouldn't have gone oterwise (such as a food carneval at an old abattoir) and talking to people we might not had talked otherwise. 

So I guess the lesson was that everything's worth trying, even though you know you're propably not gonna nail it. It gets you out of your comfort zone. Have you done something like that lately? I'd love to hear! And have a good Sunday, you all!

6. Kun olimme lapsia / When we were children

 7. Mielikuvitusystävä / imaginary friend

Huh, tämä viikko on mennyt lähinnä sängyn pohjalla flunssasta toipuessa, joten paljon uutta kerrottavaa ei ole. Mutta onneksi löytyy vähän vanhempia juttuja!

Joitakin viikkoja sitten meillä oli hyvä ystävä kylässä ja haluttiin etsiä jotain uutta tekemistä Helsingistä. Joten, ihka ensimmäistä kertaa kummallekin, päätettiin osallistua Fotomaratoniin! Fotomaraton on taiteiden yönä järjestettävä kilpailu, jossa otetaan 12 annettuja aiheita vastaavaa kuvaa kuuden tunnin aikana. Aiheet saa neljän aiheen ryppäissä kahden tunnin välein. 

8. Ilman rajoja / No limits

9. Mitä tuleman pitää / What's to come

Mehän ei kummatkaan olla mitään ammattikuvaajia joten kuvien laatu on vähän niin ja näin, varsinkin kun lopussa tuli vähän kiire. Mutta kylläpä oli hauska ilta! Kilpailu sai meidät paikkoihin, joihin ei muuten olisi menty, ja juttelemaan aivan uusille ihmisille. Joten ehkäpä illan paras anti olikin muistutus siitä, että joskus kannattaa kokeilla uutta, vaikka tietäisikin että nyt mennään metsään. Mukavuusalueen ulkopuolelle askuminen on oikeastaan joskus ihan, no, mukavaa. 

Oletteko itse viime aikoina tehneet jotain aivan uutta? Kertokaahan :) Ja hei, hyvät sunnuntait!
P822169110. Menetetty tapaus / Lost case

11. 1984

12. Hämärtää jo / Already dusking

DIY Outdoor cushions

Sep 3, 2013

As we still have some sunny days left we've been trying to enjoy the garden before the real autumn strikes! That in mind, I wanted to make us some outdoor floor cushions to make it easy and comfy to sit on our lawn and have a drink or maybe eat some bbq.

We had these colourful rugs in our basement. We used them in our previous place, but they're actually quite small & slippery, so we ended up not using them at all in our current house. So, repurpose as a cushion seemed like a good plan.
There are several tutorials for similar projects on internet (such as this). But how I did, basically, was just to hand-sew two ends together with a big needle and a strong, doubled thread. My rugs were the perfect size so I didn't even have to cut them, which could be a but tricky.

On the other side I laid the fabrics in a way that they overlap a bit in the middle. I didn't bother to make a system for closingthe pillows, but they work just fine for me like this! The inside cushions are out of old sheets and filled with small styrofoam balls from an old beanbag chair. So actually, there are three unused objects merged in one in this project.

P8291782ladybug approves!
They're actually really comfy and sturdy so I'm quite pleased with this project. I could also imagine having them inside at home for winter. Hope you like them as well! See you soon!

Pikkuprojekti kesän loppuun: tyynyt vanhoista räsymatoista. Olipa helppoa ja nopeaa, ei tarvinnut kuin ommella sivut yhteen karhunlangalla, kun matot olivat just sopivan kokoisia. Sisälle tein sisätyynyt vanhasta lakanasta ja ikiaikaisen säkkituolin styroksitäytteestä. Eli kolme käyttämätöntä juttua sulautui yhdeksi, jota ollaan nyt sitten oikeasti käytetty ulkona. Ja miksei nämä kävis myös sisällekin, eikö vaan! Toivottavasti tykkäsitte, näkyillään!

current reads

Sep 2, 2013

I know I'm kinda jumping from one subject to another, but I quess that's just my thing. Maybe in the future this blog will be more about, let's say, only DIYs, but at the moment I'm mostly experimenting. Last time I told you guys what I've been up to lately, this time it's all about what I've been reading lately!

As for usual, there's both novels and craft/ home decor/ fashion books sitting on my bedside table. Usually, they would also be a weird mix of at least three languages (english, finnish or french) but this summer I've been mostly into reading in english. Maybe that's because of the NYC trip? Who knows! 

The theme on NYC has not been only for the language but also a major theme in my readings this summer. And even more, the pre-fifties New York. Thus, let me represent you: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon and Rules of Civility by Amor Towles. And, as a re-read, The Great Gatsby, by who else that F. Scott Fitzgerald.
I especially appreciated the first one of the list - I think it was the best book I've read in the last year.
Then there's of course a lot of craft/DIY/lifestyle/etc books. Lately I've been more into home deco projects, so that's why I've been browsing 82 modern Style Ideas to Create at Home by Tamara Maynes and One Block of Wood by Nina Tolstrup. Both really inspiring!


So that's for my reading. Have you been reading anything good lately? I'm dying to have some recommandations!

Nyt mennään aiheesta aiheeseen, mutta ehkä se on ihan hyväkin juttu. Viimeksihän oli viime aikojen kuulumisia, tällä kertaa lukemisia. Yöpöydällä on lepäillyt varsinkin nämä yllä komeilevat kirjat. Romaanipuolella olen keskittynyt vanhaan New Yorkiin ja noin muuten kodin sisustus/DIY -puoleen. On ollut mahtavaa löytää uutta luettavaa! 

Mutta hei, nyt kaipaan uutta luettavaa! Onko lukuvinkkejä? Mitä olette viime aikoina lukeneet?

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