I know I'm kinda jumping from one subject to another, but I quess that's just my thing. Maybe in the future this blog will be more about, let's say, only DIYs, but at the moment I'm mostly experimenting. Last time I told you guys what I've been up to lately, this time it's all about what I've been reading lately!
As for usual, there's both novels and craft/ home decor/ fashion books sitting on my bedside table. Usually, they would also be a weird mix of at least three languages (english, finnish or french) but this summer I've been mostly into reading in english. Maybe that's because of the NYC trip? Who knows!
The theme on NYC has not been only for the language but also a major theme in my readings this summer. And even more, the pre-fifties New York. Thus, let me represent you: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon and Rules of Civility by Amor Towles. And, as a re-read, The Great Gatsby, by who else that F. Scott Fitzgerald.
I especially appreciated the first one of the list - I think it was the best book I've read in the last year.
Then there's of course a lot of craft/DIY/lifestyle/etc books. Lately I've been more into home deco projects, so that's why I've been browsing 82 modern Style Ideas to Create at Home by Tamara Maynes and One Block of Wood by Nina Tolstrup. Both really inspiring!
So that's for my reading. Have you been reading anything good lately? I'm dying to have some recommandations!
Nyt mennään aiheesta aiheeseen, mutta ehkä se on ihan hyväkin juttu. Viimeksihän oli viime aikojen kuulumisia, tällä kertaa lukemisia. Yöpöydällä on lepäillyt varsinkin nämä yllä komeilevat kirjat. Romaanipuolella olen keskittynyt vanhaan New Yorkiin ja noin muuten kodin sisustus/DIY -puoleen. On ollut mahtavaa löytää uutta luettavaa!
Mutta hei, nyt kaipaan uutta luettavaa! Onko lukuvinkkejä? Mitä olette viime aikoina lukeneet?
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