My new toy: pfaff passport 2.0
Mar 14, 2014
So the last time I mentioned I was getting a new sewing machine. And here it is: pfaff passport 2.0!
It's nice to be able to move from one country to another rather easily (my bf being french we've moved between France and Finland a couple of times already) but there are inconveniences as well. Like the fact that I had to leave my good old sewing machine behind the last time we moved! I knew that I needed one over here as well (I just can not imagine a life without a sewing machine!) and I didn't want a similar as my other machine, because it seemed silly to own two machines that are just alike.
So after some consideration I went and bought this baby! It seemed like a good quality and it's one of the smallest on the market, making it easy to carry everywhere with you (thus the name!). For me, who has a small atelier at home and who might need to take the machine with me to give sewing classes etc, it was a perfect option.
After making a couple of projects with it already, I can only say: so far so good! It's a smaller machine so it doesn't have all the features that some new models do have, but it's definitely enough for sewing clothing and things for home. There are also some cool stuff like the button for immediate tie-off, which is a nice and quick finish option.
I'm not gonna do a full review at least quite yet, but if you have questions please feel free to ask! Now I'd love to know: do you have a sewing machine and if so what kind? Are you like me and cannot do without or are you total opposite? Anyway, I'll be soon back with some new projects!
Kuvissa uusin kaunokaiseni: pfaff passport 2.0. Jouduin jättämään ihanan ompelukoneeni Suomeen joten uuden hankinta oli täällä edessä! Valinta kohdistui tähän ihan vaan helpon liikutettavuuden takia, ja tähän mennessä oon kyllä ollut tosi tyytyväinen!
Onko sulla ompelukonetta ja jos on niin mikä malli? Kuulutteko samaan kastiin kuin minä (eli elämää ei ole ilman ompelukonetta) vai eikö ompelu innosta? Olisi hauskaa kuulla teidän lukijoiden mielipiteitä! Mutta hei, palataan pian asiaan ,mulla on nimittäin jo muutamia valmiita projekteja näytettäväksi!
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is the machine quiet?
ReplyDeleteIt's quite quiet, like a regular home sewing machine. I do try to avoid sewing in late hours though, since I don't want to disturb our neighbors. I've never really compared the loudness with my other sewing machine, but I think they're pretty much the same.