I've seen plenty of paper bead jewelry, and I've even made some myself. But last week I discovered a brand that makes so cool paper bead accessories I knew I had to post about it. 31 Bits produces all their products in Uganda from recycled paper. Their mission & story is pretty inspiring, I recommend reading it here!

Every purchase you make can either have a positive or negative impact on the world. 31 Bits is part of a movement revolutionizing the way people do business. We value both the creator and the consumer. The artisans in our program are receiving a sustainable income and holistic education, empowering them to rise above poverty. Our accessories are marked by fresh colors and crisp design.
What do you think? I only wish there was a retailer in France, but luckily there's interner shopping! They also have a nice blog with DIYs, recipes, stories, etc. Have a great week!
Paperihelmikorut - ei mikään uusi juttu. Mutta viime viikolla bongasin niin makeita versioita, että eihän näistä voi olla bloggaamatta. 31 Bits on merkin nimi, ja kaikki nämä korut ja asusteet on tehty Ugandassa kierrätyspaperista. Merkin tarina on aika inspiroiva, sen voi käydä lukaisemassa täältä. Myös blogi on aika hyvää luettavaa, paljon DIY-vinkkejä, tarinoita merkin takaa yms.
Mitäs tykkäätte? Omaan makuuni ainakin iskee, harmi vain ettei Ranskassa näytä olevan yhtään jälleenmyyjää. Mutta onneksi on internet ;) Ja hei, hyvää viikonalkua kaikille!

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