Hey all, today I wanted to share something I created some time ago. Remember how we went for a trip in France? Well, there was also other reason than just holidays to go there - my bfs parents had their 40th wedding anniversary. 40 years, just think of that!
It was really hard to come up with a gift that would suit such a special occasion. Having been together for so long they pretty much had everything, plus our gift needed to fit to a suitcase for transportation! But we knew right away that we wanted to create something handmade, and something they can really use. So my mom and I came up with the idea of sewing some decorative cushions, because they could use them anywhere in their house.
We chose neutral colours we thought they'd like. We already had the linen,it's actually two old table cloths. There were parts we couldn't use anymore, so we had to go with quilting. And since we had to do that, I thought it would be fun to incorporate a message: Each cushion is actually composed of exactly 40 pieces, 20 on each side!
My mom finished her version with a lace she made herself and I embroidered mine with their initials and the date of their wedding. It took some time, but I think it was worth it!
I'm really happy with how they turned out. Even though I've always been sewing a lot, I haven't really been quilting that much. But now I got really inthousiasted 'bout it, since it's a great way of upcycling all those small pieces of fabric!
Now that we're on the subject: Have you recieved or given any handmade gifts? I'd love to hear!
Viimeisimmälle Ranskanreissulle oli erityisen hyvä syy: poikiksen vanhempien 40-vuotishääpäivät. 40 vuotta, aika mahtavaa vai mitä? Mutta lahjan keksiminen olikin sitten vähän vaikeampaa: jotain hyödyllistä, jotain joka mahtuu lentolaukkuun, jotain erityistä... Mutta yksi asia oli varma: haluttiin tehdä ainakin osa lahjasta itse.
Lopulta keksittiin äidin kanssa tehdä nämä kaksi tyynynpäällistä. Ne on tehty vanhasta pellavakankaasta, joten piti pakostakin vähän tilkkuilla. Siitä syntyi idea: molemmissa tyynyissä on itse asiassa tasan 40 palaa, 20 kummallakin puolella. Lisäksi äidin tekemässä versiossa on itse nyplättyä pitsiä ja minä taas kirjoin toiseen tyynyyn nimikoinnit ja hääpäivän. Vaikka olen aina ommellut, en ole ikinä harrastanut hirveäsi tilkkutöitä, mutta tämä sai kyllä innostumaan! Tilkkutöihin voi niin hyvin käyttää kaikki palat ja kierrätetyt kankaat.
Mites te, oletteko saaneet tai antaneet itsetehtyjä lahjoja? Olisi kiva kuulla ajatuksianne aiheesta!
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