" If we can show the world mass upcycling works, we could really change how the fashion industry treats the environment. "
I love this Kickstarter project by Estonian designer Reet Aus. And then, what's not to live? T-shirts so stylish you'd want to wear them every day, and with an 80% smaller environmental footprint. I think it's so cool that somebody found a way to mass produce eco fashion, and I'm not surprised it's Reet Aus. I participated to one of her lectures once, and if you ever have an opportunity to do the same, just go there. She really knows what she's talking about!
I so wish this project gets the funding needed because I already want to be wearing my Up-Shirt ;)

Mahtava Kickstarter- projekti virolaiselta designerilta Reet Ausilta. Käykääpä katsomassa ja osallistumassa, sillä mä ainakin haluan saada oman teepparini ;)
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