What a week! Friends visiting, a halloween party to attend and another to organize... So good kinda busy :) So I know this is kinda late, but I still thought to share our this years costumes&other ideas since we had fun creating them!
First up, a halloween party we attended on Thursday. It was organized by J-m's old employer and they always throw a super party. This year was no exception, with good food, cool costumes, burlesque shows (!) and a photobooth.
This year they announced a theme that was 70's sci-fi and horror. At first I couldn't come up with anything. I mean, I know some movies alright, but to create a costume that's easy, that wouldn't cost a lot and that I could wear to work since this was just after AND that would go with that theme was kinda hart to imagine. But then it hit me: I had a maxi dress that I could use, and then I just had to get a floppy hat from the local flea market to become one of the Stepford wives (love the original movie, don't you?).
Cool photobooth isn't it? I'd love to create something like this one day, but man, this was a professional work. Also, the "boyfriend jeans are so yesterday" just cracks me up.
What about you, did you participate to any halloween festivities? I still have party numbet II coming up, but first I have to organize the photos!
Huh, mikä viikko. Torstaina osallistuttiin yhden firman bileisiin, ja melkoiset olivatkin: ruokaa, juomaa, burleski-esityksiä (!), maskeerausta, ja photobooth. Pakkohan sinne oli mennä vähän itseään kuvauttamaan!
Bileiden teema oli 70-luvun sci-fi ja kauhu. Ekaksi meinasi paniikki iskeä: mistä saada teeman mukainen puku, joka olisi helppo, ei maksaisi paljoa ja jonka voisi ottaa mukaan töihin kun tuonne oli mentävä suoraan? No, vastaus löytyi suurimmaksi osasta omasta vaatekaapista: vain leveälierinen hattu piti käydä kirpparilta hakemassa, ja jo tapahtui muutos yhdeksi Stepfordin naisista!
J-m taas tuli paikalle ihan omana itsenään mutta maskeeraajien osaavissa käsissä muuttui, no en itseasiassa tarkkaan tiedä miksi, mutta ainakin hyvin halloweenmaiseksi hahmoksi vai mitä ;)
Mites te, osallistuitteko mihinkään halloweenjuttuihin? Mulla on vielä bileet nro II tulossa, kunhan saan kuvat järjestettyä!
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