So the second halloween party this year was one that we threw last Saturday. It was second year in a row, because halloween just seems like a good time to gather people together: it's well before all the Christmas stuff, it's the darkest time of the year (a party is a good way to cheer up!) and it's also j-m's birthday. And, one can DIY costume and decoration. I know that not everybody likes dressing up for halloween, but I find it a perfect excuse to use my creativity and diy ideas for something I wouldn't use every day.
We always try to choose a theme for a party since it's so much easier and more fun to organize. This year it was movies and movie characters. Here's what we came up with it!
To go with the movie theme we borrowed a projector to watch movies on a big screen. I'd love to have a projector anyway, it's so much cooler to watch movies this way! We also printed these little popcorn cups and filled them with unspiced popcorn. This way, everybody could spice up their own in the popcorn station.
We had some movie posters lying around so we just put them to the wall. I also printed these, because they were just too cool.
As for more halloween-ish stuff, we used my jewellery tree and hang little bats on it. Then we usede these letter wall stickers to write on the walls. I think this is a very easy way to decorate, and it's even suitable for renters, like we are.
I guess we were too busy to enjoy ourselves since there's not really any good photos of my costume but this is the best :) I went as Daisy from The Great Gatsby and J-m as Chaplin. I just combined all these white vintage things I already had in my closet (normally I wouldn't use them together of course) and then I DIYed the headband out of some pieces of old & broken jewellery I had in hand. I cut the leaves in silver faux-leather and put everything together with metal wire so that I can re-use everything again.
Last but not least I saw this tip on cup of Jo the same day and wanted to give it a try. It totally worked, we got some cool pictures with it! Too bad there wasn't so much light so they're a bit blurry, but they still make fun memories for us.
What do you guys think? Do you have any tips for organizing a great party? I'd love to hear!
Huh, vähän vielä halloweenasiaa, vaikka monilla ajatukset alkaa varmaan kääntyä jo joulua kohti :) Mutta tosiaan, viikko sitten halloweenia vasta vietettiin! Kaikki ei niin ole halloweenihmisiä ja ymmärrän kyllä senkin, mutta itse näen sen hyvänä tekosyynä kutsua kaverit koolle ja käyttää luovuuttani pukuun, jota muuten en ehkä käyttäisi. Ja kyseinen juhla sattuu myös olemaan j-m:n syntymäpäivä!
Tänä vuonna mentiin leffateemalla, joten asiaankuuluvasti piti väkerrellä vähän popcorn- kuppeja ja muuta. Saatiin onneksi projektori lainaan (ihana olisi olla tuollainen aina!). Lisäksi askarreltiin vähän halloweenkoristeita: lepakot ilmestyivät lentämään oksaan jossa yleensä riippuu koruja, ja seinille tarrattiin tekstejä prismasta löytyneillä sisustustarroilla. Noi on kyllä käteviä muutenkin sisustukseen näin vuokraajalle.
Pikkuvinkkinä vielä: kokeilin tästä blogista löytyvää vinkkiä, ja laitoin kameraan kiinni lapullisen ideoita, joita kuvata. Toimi! Suuri osa kuvista on kyllä vähän epätarkkoja, mutta se ehkä kuuluu asiaan :) Ja hauskoja ovat!
Mites te, onko mitään hyviä juhlavinkkejä? Aina olisi kiva keksiä jotain uutta, vai mitä :)
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