This is my last week at work before the holidays so things are a bit busy. So, instead of more recent photos, here are some photos & places from the Åland islands. Around this time last year, we spent a long weekend there and absolutely loved it. Small villages, red wooden houses, all the little islands everywhere... We stayed mostly in the capital, Mariehamn, but rented bikes to go round the islands. I really recommend it!
-First of all, the most amazing coffee shop I've ever been to, called Stickstuga'n. The place is just so beautiful, everything we ate was delicious, and it was just the best place ever. And they have a small cute handicraft store in there as well. You can find the place in Norråkersvägen 20, Järsö. We biked there from Mariehamn and I truly recommend that as well, the landscape could not be better!
- Judys craft shop was really worth visiting. Everything was beautiful and well arranged, even the packaging was cute. I have to show later what I got there!
- Salt, a craft/design store in Mariehamn, looked really nice but was unfortunately closed when we were there. I have to visit it the next time!
- We also visited the Kastelholm castle, it was a fun trip.
Oh I'd like to go back this year but we'll see if we'll have time. Do you have some vacation plans? We start to have too many!
Oh I'd like to go back this year but we'll see if we'll have time. Do you have some vacation plans? We start to have too many!
Viimeinen viikko töissä menossa, joten kiirettä pitää. Tässä kuitenkin muutamia kuvia viime vuodelta, jolloin vietimme pitkän viikonlopun Ahvenanmaalla näihin aikoihin. Ihana paikka! Suosittelen varsinkin vallan mainiota kahvilaa Stickstugan sekä käsityökauppoja Judys sekä Salt. Varsinkin Stickstuganin leivonnaiset ovat edelleen mielessä. Myös Kastelholmin linnaan oli sopiva pyörämatka Maarianhaminasta.
Oletteko käyneet Ahvenanmaalla? Mun tekisi jo mieli palata tuonne uudelleen!
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